Leonardo Silva

Cork · Ireland · leo.ribeiro.silva@gmail.com

I am an experienced Software Development Engineer having worked in a variety of meaningful projects combining different technologies and productivity skills. Hands-on development using best practices and able to multi-task among multiple assignments.


  • Hello Design Thinking
  • Complete Python Developer in 2020: Zero to Mastery
  • Big Data Fundamentos
  • 11a Semana Omnistack (Node.js, ReactJS e Reactive Native)
  • The Complete JavaScript Course 2020: Build Real Projects
  • Oracle Database 11g (Introduction to SQL / Program with PL/SQL)
  • Processo de Desenvolvimento de Software
  • Engenharia de Requisitos
  • Teste de Software
  • Orientação a Objetos Avançados
  • Delphi Architect Especialist
  • Delphi - Desenvolvimento de Aplicações